In this comprehensive 21 page checklist, you’ll discover your blind spots and opportunities for your financial advisor practice. We will keep you updated on practice management issues through our Practice Management in 5 minutes blog to continue to grow your financial practice.
Financial advisors who segment their clients earn 33% more than advisors who do not segment. A key practice management metric is segmented clients. However, segmenting the right way will show you where your revenue is coming from. Don't make the mistake of building more than 2 segments. Ideal clients and non ideal clients.
I don't have time to segment
Financial advisors who are successful at attracting ideal clients are faced with one challenge. The challenge is segmenting your clients. If you are growing, then segmenting your ideal and non-ideal clients is an annual process if you are growing at 15% or more per year. Why do you segment? Segmenting is a tremendous opportunity to grow your practice. Segmenting will help you focus your time and energy on your ideal clients.
In this 26 page fully updated checklist for 2024, you will discover how elite Financial Advisors leverage technology to get ahead of the curve and become "Future Ready Financial Advisors".
In this sample 88 page report, you will see how objective and innovative benchmark assessments can identify your strengths and weakneses across 32 key areas. It will show you in writing, how to run your financial advisor practice more efficiently in less time. Lack of information prevents many financial advisors and their teams reaching their full potential. Get your sample benchmark report today.
Draw three circles on a piece of paper. In the first circle write what your ideal revenue is for a new ideal client. In the second circlewrite how many new ideal clients you would likkke to acquire in the next 12 months. In the third circle write the number of weeks off you would like to take in the next 12 months. Our checklist will ask questions to guide you and how to achieve it!
Discover why the "Guerrilla Marketing " series has sold over 21 million copies worldwide. Guerrilla Marketing concepts have influenced marketing so much that the books appear in 62 languages and are required reading in MBA programs worldwide. Grant Hicks CIM and Jay Conrad Levinson take you through the mysteries of marketing in financial services and guide you to successful implementation. Get your free ebook today.
As a financial advisor, how do you attract ideal people to your business and have them contact you? How can they get to know you and already comfortable with you and your company even before you meet them? Welcome to the five touch marketing process. Before you invest another dollar in marketing, read this, no signup required just click the link below to read the attached PDF. Learn why elite financial advisors with high growth have 5-7 marketing strategies working 24 hours a day 7 days a week for them.
Comprehensive advice is the new financial product. Warren Buffett once said: “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” If I became one of your ideal clients, what do I get? Do i get a comprehensive strategies that covers all 6 of my lifestime goals? Do i get organized in all 7 areas of my financial life? Do I get coordinated advice in tax, estate, lending and other areas such as commercial real estate? Do I get a benficiary audit and one page estate plans? Download your copy of our fee audit checklist to show ideal prospects the difference between fragmented ( wealth only) advice and comprehensive advice that you can deliver. Show propsects what they paid over the last 10 years and what they got for their money?
Elite financial advisors know the value of deep questions. Here are some deeper practice managementquestions to ask you about your practice. Print this off and use it with your team in a meeting.
How many financial advisors do you know have their complete financial advisory and wealth management practice in order in all six areas?
1. Ideal client acquisition - increasing your value and your fees annually
2. Client experience process- deliver more to HNW clients annually
3. Ideal metrics and KPI’s- more revenue and less clients annually
4. Human capital processes- delegate more every quarter
5. Ideal capacity – segmentationing clients annually and shrinking to grow
6. Ideal Lifestyle- what’s important about your practice to you? 8-12 weeks off each year
These are the results we strive for when we work with you and your team
Download your four part marketing checklist to help you build out your marketing plan as a financial advisor or financial advisory team.
Part 1 - Ideal client profiles and prospecting checklist
Part 2 - Your 88 strategies marketing checklist
Part 3- Your 8 sentence simple marketing plan
Part 4- Your 12 month marketing implementation strategy
Download your checklist here, no signup needed
Build a network of 10 or more centres of infuence through your best clients. use the attached script, worksheet and process to grow your ideal client practice as a financial advisor. The most successful advisors coordinate professionals with their best clients, not just give referrals or introductions. become a financial coordinator for your best clients and build out your COI Network.
Summarize you complex marketing plan into 8 key sentences. Then review on a weekly or monthly basis with your team. Plan a regular time to review. i suggest 2 hours per week to work on your marketing plan. This give you enough time to implement succesfully. One financial advisor sees current clients while the other invests 2 hours per week over 40 weeks into growing and marketing their business. At the end of the year what is the difference between the two? ISuccessful implementation and increased revenue versus frustration. The choice is yours in what you do with your time!
Imagine for your best clients you had a comprehensive checklist that covered all 7 areas of their financial life ( 50-100 list of strategies to implement) on an annual basis? No imagine you deliver this through your two meetting annual implementation process. Imagine if you and your best clients had their entire financial lives organized this way. Click here for a sample No Stone Unturned Checklist for your ideal clients.
Your proven marketing strategies course for financial advisors includes : 8-sentence marketing plan template, 30-page Marketing workbook, Segmentation workbook, Fee audit checklist, Meeting email template, Ebook on Practice Management, proven marketing templates, a one one one coaching session and more... Click the link below to get more resources and guides.
We have access to lenders and mergers and acquisition experts for financial advisors. We also have financial institutions looking for acquisitions.
We have a network of experts in valuation and benchmarking your practice to get full value today and in the future.
Are you leaving money on the table with your branding and positioning?
The financial advisors that build more processes, sell for more. Build your ideal processes using technology to capitalize on future growth.