Take your financial advisory practice and marketing to the next level.
The Advisor Practice Management benchmark and marketing evaluation is a unique, objective and innovative business diagnostic tool and evaluation proven and backed-up by the knowledge and experience of the Advisor Practice Management and Business Health teams and other leading industry consultants and organisations.
By ‘Benchmarking’ your practice, you’ll not only get an independent assessment of your strengths and weaknesses across 30 different areas, you’ll also receive a comprehensive, easy-to-understand report which provides information and ideas to help you improve the efficiency and value of your business. You will also get a marketing evaluation of what to start, stop and continue for your practice.
Your results will be immediately available online.
Cost per financial advisor or team is $899
What do you get:
-Comprehensive benchmark coving 5 key business areas and comparing you to a database of 14,000+ advisors
-Marketing evaluation and report
-2 coaching calls to guide you
-Action plan on what to start-stop-continue
-Accountability plan to help you