Your proven marketing strategies course for financial advisors includes : 8-sentence marketing plan template, 30-page Marketing workbook, Segmentation workbook, Fee audit checklist, Meeting email template, Ebook on Practice Management, proven marketing templates, a one one one coaching session and more...
A comprehensive analysis of 30 critical KPI's, key performance indicators of a financial advisors practice, to help you improve your capacity, profitability and increase revenue.
Do you know what your clients really think? The greatest asset and most important critics of an advisory firm are their clients, and completing a third party confidential feedback program.
Are the right people in place in your financial advisory practice? Discover potential blind spots in your team through our confidential staff survey tool.
We have what it takes to help your business prosper, In this 31-page Marketing Plan guidebook, you will finally be able to write out your Master Marketing Plan as a Financial Advisor."
Financial advisors who segment their clients earn 33% more than advisors who do not segment. A key practice management metric is segmented clients. However, segmenting the right way will show you where your revenue is coming from. We know your top 20% represent 70-80% of your revenue. Don't make the mistake of building more than 2 segments. Ideal clients and non- ideal clients.
Did you know that 75% of financial advisors do not have a clear ideal client definition.
Do you have a proven process and script for finding, meeting and working with COI's? Become one of the communities preferred financial advisors and build a pipeline of ideal clients through your COI Network. How do you communicate to your network and how many meetings do you coordinate each year with top clients?
Elite financial advisors know the value of deep questions. Here are some deeper practice management questions to ask you about your practice. Print this off and use it with your team in a meeting.
1. Clarity – Do you have clarity around goals and practice on paper?
2. Complete – Do you have an Ideal business plan and marketing plan?
3. Acquire- Do you have an Ideal acquisition process to acquire and deliver more value every year?
4. Service -Does your team have an Ideal client service process in writing, to deliver more value every year and become more valuable to your best clients?
5. Team- Do you have the right amount of team members, and the right people to manage your capacity currently?
6. Capacity – Are you managing your capacity well or are you working past capacity?
7. Lifestyle- How confident are you in living your Ideal lifestyle and managing your time?
In this Technology Checklist, you will learn how to become a "Future Ready Financial Advisor" to help you create your ideal financial advisory practice.
Do you have a system for attracting ideal clients to your financial advisory practice? The 5-touch system will help you understand the law of familiarity in marketing to HNW clients. People don't just switch their portfolios over to you once you meet them. It takes 5 touches. Learn more in our guide on how to build your 5-touch offer system for your new ideal clients. They will need to know more about you, what you offer and why they should do business with you, even before you meet with them.
How to build a better financial advisory business. A practice management discussion that discusses how financial advisors successfully implement key strategies to grow their business.